We would like to continue to spread the idea and the new date of the GS8D2021 early and widely. Here is the trailer of Jim and Daniel from the year 2000 for the first GS8D event in Hamburg – now with subtitles. Please feel free to share it, thx! Here you ´ll find the download-link for the trailer.

our Supporter Balimage and Stadtkino Basel!

Very many people worldwide are involuntarily at home because of COVID-19 due to exit restrictions. Partly in the home office, but partly also without a job and then they renovate or clear up at home. This is now the best moment for the Super8-Generation-Treaty: this is how the long forgotten Super8 cameras are found again in the attics or in all the cellars. So: Fathers and mothers give your S8 cameras into young hands! For more information please have a look to press release S8-Generation-Treaty-Corona. Thx!
Please send inquiries to info@gs8d.info. We ask for patience for the answer as a precaution. Thank you 🙂
The world is there – and you? Le monde est là – et vous ? El mundo está ahí, ¿y tú? Die Welt ist dabei – und Du? Мир там, а ты? 世界はここにあります – そしてあなた? العالم هنا – وأنت؟